The event began at 9:30 am, and the guidance suggested arriving at the venue two hours ahead of time. So, like an obedient Brit, I arrived around 7:30 and got in the queueuueue. Once they opened the gates, I pretty much sailed through security because it was so well-staffed
Everyone was cheerful in the typically British way, even the visitors from strange and foreign lands (I was behind a family from a place called "Canada"). Once inside (7:45), I bought the official programmmmme for the entire games and killed time by reading and wandering about Earl's Court, which was decorated with banners commemorating the 1948 Olympics with pictures and recollections from competitors in the "Austerity Games" (e.g., "If we wanted to eat meat, we had to bring our own," and "I had to ask my foreman for the day off so I could compete in the cycling."). The longest lines were for the water taps.
As things were warming up, I went to my seat. Unfortunately, Block 25 Seat 35 did not exist, so I was very helpfully directed to the Ticket Remediation booth, where they already had printed replacement tickets for me, which were in a much better section than my original tickets.
The venue looked great
First match was Japan vs. Algeria. The Algerians were raucous and lively, and lost. Ladies, maybe a team hug after each point -- won or lost -- is an unnecessary expenditure of energy.
There were quite a few empty seats, considering that the event was "Sold Out." The ticket sales system has been enough of an Epic Fail up to this point, now that the games have begun and, apparently, the empty seats are common in the first two days, it's graduated from Failure to Debacle.
The second match was China vs. Serbia. The Sebian women were giants -- the captain is 6-foot-five. They started off dominating the first few minutes, but then the Chinese took control, and it was no contest. In both matches, it was the blocking at the net that made the difference.
The food and drink were reasonable, and if you went to get them while a match was one, the lines were not too long. Leaving the venue, everything was very well-organised, getting thousands of people into a Tube station without fuss.
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